Would you like to work as a volunteer at one of the Mission Bambini's Stars?
Find out what you can do to brighten the future of so many boys and girls.
5.6 million
people live below the poverty line in Italy.
is the percentage of children in absolute poverty
is the percentage of children under the age of 3 who can access childcare.
Scintilla (Spark) is born, the constellation of early childhood facilities with which Mission Bambini brightens the future of children, supporting them in their growth and education from 0 to 6 years old.
Patroness of the project is Ellen Hidding, a friend of the Foundation, with whom she has always worked to protect and help the youngest and most fragile children.
The project puts online accessible and high-impact educational services, called Mission Bambini’s Stars, to fight educational poverty.
Through Scintilla, the Mission Bambini’s Stars guarantee the right to childhood even for children who have more difficulty accessing services, ensuring that these always put the child at the center.
They are founded in the large suburbs of Italy, to offer the most fragile boys and girls a quality education and accompany them in their growth.
The entire educating community around them is also supported, so that parents and educators can best help each child shine their own light.
Each Mission Bambini’s Star ensures that:
children are supported in their own journey through:
parents are supported by providing: